2021 Annual Meeting
2021 Annual Meeting
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, we have decided to again conduct our Annual Meeting virtually utilizing ZOOM. The annual meeting will be held on Monday, May 24th at 3:30 pm CT. To help you participate in this meeting, we have broken down what you need to participate into three sections:
A. Information

Prior to the meeting, please review the following materials presented in our 2020 Annual Report:
- Minutes of the Annual Meeting held June 29, 2020
- Report of the Board of Directors – Chris Fairchild, Board Chair
- Report of the Supervisory Committee – Andrew Juricek, Chair, Supervisory Committee
- Report of the President – Jonathon Miller, President & CEO
- 2020 Financial Reports – Balance Sheet & Income Statement
Please click here to download a copy of our 2020 Annual Report to view/print.
If you have any questions regarding the Meeting Materials or have any questions you would like to be answered at the Annual Meeting, email us at request@upcu.org.

B. Voting & Elections
Once you have reviewed the meeting materials, you will have an opportunity to approve the meeting reports and vote in the election for members of the Board of Directors online.
Voting will be open from 8:00 am CT on Monday, May 10, 2021 to 5:00 pm CT on Friday, May 21, 2021. Voting is restricted to members 16 years and older who have a minimum share balance of $5.
This year two (2) board positions three-year term are expiring.
The following individuals have been nominated for election to the board of directors:
Tim Wardyn
Tim Wardyn has learned to see all issues from multiple sides. With a Bachelor of Arts degree from Chadron State College in Interdisciplinary Studies, ten years as a manager with a global shipping company and four years as a manager with a fast food chain based in Nebraska, he’s proved to be successful at it. Now living in Chicago, Tim brings an entirely unique perspective to the board as he relies fully on the website and member service for all of his credit union needs. As a board member, Tim will listen, engage and provide insight to help UPCU grow using everything he has learned so far while continuing to gain valuable knowledge along the way.
Matt Coufal
Matt Coufal has been with Union Pacific for seven years and is currently a Manager in the Corporate Audit department. Matt received his Bachelor’s Degree in Finance from UNO and completed the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA} certification in 2016. Currently, Matt is working on becoming a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE). Outside of UP, Matt is a videographer alongside his wife who is a full-time photographer. Matt believes his work experience in the areas of Compliance and internal control will bring value to the Union Pacific Streamliner Federal Credit Union Board.
Member Voting Through Website/HOMEBRANCH.
- Log into HOMEBRANCH (Online Banking/It’s Me 247) at www.upcu.org like normal. If you have never activated your online banking, you can register at this time. If you need assistance, give us a call at 402-544-2500 or 800-370-2260 or click the “LIVE CHAT” button at the top off the webpage.
- To vote on an online ballot through HOMEBRANCH (Online Banking/It’s Me 247), simply click “Place Your Vote!” in the left-hand navigation bar.
Only eligible voters will see this button, and only during the active voting period
- When you are ready to vote, click “I’m Ready to Cast My Vote”. If you need to review any of the meeting materials, a link to that information will be provided.
- You will then make your selections and click “Record My Vote.” Remember, one you click “Record My Vote” you vote will be permanent.
- You will then receive a confirmation message and the voting is complete!
If you are unwilling or unable to vote online, you can ask assistance at the credit union by calling us at 402-544-2500 or 800-370-2260 and we will have an authorized credit union employee reach out to you to record your vote.
C. Attending the Meeting
We will be utilizing Zoom to conduct our Annual Membership Meeting. You can participate/view the meeting via your computer, tablet, phone, or another mobile device.

Meeting Invitation/ZOOM Information
Topic: Union Pacific Streamliner FCU Annual Meeting
Time: May 24, 2021 03:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 946 4491 7588
One tap mobile
- +13462487799,,94644917588# US (Houston)
- +16699009128,,94644917588# US (San Jose)
Dial by your location
- +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
- +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
- +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
- +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
- +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
- +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
Meeting ID: 946 4491 7588
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/amLrXR4Bn
Instructions to Join Webinar
If you are unfamiliar with joining/participating in a Zoom Webinar, please click the following link for more information. Please reach out to us if you have additional questions.
We plan to have a recording of the webinar available for viewing approximately 24 hours after the meeting.
Our Office
1400 Douglas Street - Mailstop 0040
Omaha, Nebraska 68179-1001
Get in Touch
Local: (402) 544-2500
Toll-Free: (800) 370-2260
Text Us
(402) 501- 7473
ABA Routing Number